Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

“The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.” -Robert G. Ingersoll

  1. What are a few things that standout for you when you notice a player is committed to the team?
  2. When losing a big game, how do you handle the team's emotions?
  3. Does a coach's body language affect the way a player performs?
  4. Can you describe a situation where a player showed lack of teamwork and what you did as a coach to resolve it?
  5. Can you describe a situation where a player showed commitment to the team?
  6. Describe your most effective effort to create or promote a positive image for your team.
  7. Can you tell me about a situation that best illustrates your ability to work collaboratively with a diverse group of people?
  8. As a coach what are some qualities you want your team to represent?
  9. How do you make sure your players stay humble during a winning streak?
  10. What are some things you do to motivate your team to do better?
  11. From experience what do you believe is a skill a player should have when it comes to sports?
  12. How do you get a play to do more than what they believe they can when it comes to their skill level?
  13. How do you find the talent of each individual on your team?
  14. How high do you set goals for your team?
  15. How are coaches suppose to handle pressure under stressful situations?
  16. How important is character for a player to have?
  17. Is consistency important in coaching your team?
  18. What are certain things you do to make sure your players are relaxed and ready for a game day?
  19. Do you notice a change in attitude when a player is out of the field?
  20. Can you name a time frame that you've noticed your players improve in the sport?

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