Saturday, November 30, 2013

Manager of Girl's Basketball Team (late post)

11/29/13 (9AM-12:40AM) late post

So yesterday was actually really interesting for me. We had practice earlier than usual because we wanted time in the gym for once before the guys beat us to it, and not to mention is was raining, but I got there 20 minutes earlier because my mentor for my independent component Coach Johnson said he wanted to talk to me before the girls came. When I arrived we did small talk while setting up the cones and taking the balls out but once we were done we sat down and he ask me if I saw commitment in any girls yet and I have actually. You can tell by the way the girls play on the court if they're mad, stressed, sad, or any emotion they're feeling but the ones who talk it out and verbally say what's wrong are the ones who show the most commitment in my eyes. Why? Well because they know life isn't going to be perfect but they will focus their attention on the game so at least in their mind, they're perfect at one thing. And by perfect I don't mean 100% shots or memorizing every play, I mean the drive and confident they have to have a successful practice. The reason my coach asked me that was because this practice was VERY important for the girls and they had no idea why, of course neither did I. This practice was going to determine which girls will be starting in the first game they will be having this Tuesday (December 3rd) at Southland's. Also the blue thing in the top photo is a shield that I have to used to push the girls around in the court which they play so that they get used to girls on the other team pushing them around and in the last photo on your right is a photo of Southland's in the rain to show even on raining days and a day after our holiday we still work hard. Unfortunately you can't see the rain.
Another thing I feel I should share that I really enjoyed was that around 11:30AM our practice in the gym was over because it was time for the guys to use the court but practice wasn't over yet because we still had a team bonding (lunch)/ secret sister paper at the "clubhouse" aka coach Johnson's community pool house. We played a few games to get all the girls talking and coach Johnson actually made us turkey-ham pasta (sounds gross but was really good actually) and we sat around this long table and filled out a Secret Sister paper which is where we fill out information about ourselves so that whichever girl we get as our "sister," we'd have to buy them a gift every home game just to encourage them to do better. We will not find out who our Secret Sister is until the basketball banquet. After we did that we just talked more and went around the table naming 2 things this year that are stressful just so that every girl knows that we all have things we're worried about and maybe as a team we can overcome it together. 

OH AND BEFORE I FORGET, I received my first southland's t-shirt! I really like it and I can't wait to wear it Tuesday to show my support.

(Just a little preview, if you guys want to see the shirt I will be wearing it on Tuesday.)

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